In the context of the
research program COFORMIT
(Contribution FORest
MITigation -
Contribution of the tree planted land
of Western Macedonia Lignite Center to protection of environment
and to mitigation of climate change),
Department of Forestry and Management of the Environment and
Natural Resources of Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH),
Public Power Corporation (PPC),
Development Consultants,
and the
Forest Research Institute of the Hellenic Agricultural
Organization (HAO) "Dimitra",
organize a web conference on the topic
"Carbon sequestration from tree
of nature restoration projects"
(Δέσμευση άνθρακα από τις δενδροφυτείες
έργων αποκατάστασης περιβάλλοντος),
on Thursday 17
and Friday 18 February 2022,
hours 10.00-15:00.
Attendance at the conference is free.
The link to join via Microsoft
Teams is here.
To connect via computer (Windows, Mac)
follow the instructions:
[Join a session (Windows, Mac)]
To connect via mobile phone (iOS, Android)
follow the instructions:
[Participation in a session (iOS,
If you would like to receive a
certification of attendance,
and / or make a brief comment on
specific topics of the conference,
please fill out the registration form and
send it to

publications within the COFORMIT research project
be viewed here.